10:00 AM — 12:00 PM
Dance Complex
536 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139

Cambridge, MA 02140 United States
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Expressive workshop to connect with your inner dancer.

Connect with your body, develop self-esteem and find your unique way to express yourself!

This creative workshop combines the expression of flamenco dance with different art forms including movement, visual arts, meditation, free writing…to facilitate the process of self-knowledge and allow authentic expression to emerge. Participants will explore different creative ways to connect with their bodies and souls and to give voice to their inner dancer to freely express themselves in their very unique way.

This class is not indented to teach any specific art form but to allow participants to explore new creative ways to connect with their bodies, develop self-esteem and find their unique way to express themselves.

No experience is required. No special shoes or clothes. All materials needed for the workshop will be provided.


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LS Flamenco
(617) 229-9717

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