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March 2020

Online Flamenco & Sevillanas Classes Kick Off!

5:00 PM — 6:00 PM

This event is FREE and open to all students interested in receiving a Flamenco & Sevillanas ONLINE training. We will explain the platform, the system, how this works and also talk about our plan for the upcoming weeks. We might have a virtual drink while we enjoy this time together!


7:00 PM

Expressive Flamenco para conectar con nuestro duende interior y alegrar el alma durante la cuarentena.
Flamenco Terapéutico.

April 2020

My First Flamenco Steps @ HOME LIVE CLASS!

6:00 PM — 7:00 PM

MY FIRST FLAMENCO STEPS @ HOME LIVE CLASS! ONLINE FLAMENCO PROGRAM FOR BEGINNERS This initiative arose during the COVID-19 pandemic with the idea of ​​offering ANYONE the opportunity to start something from scratch. We have been uploading videos of basic Flamenco steps on our YOUTUBE CHANNEL and we will have a LIVE Class on ZOOM to put all the steps together,  practice and share them in community! Thursday April 30th at 6pm! This LIVE class will happen on ZOOM and is…

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